Communication is the
cornerstone of any successful relationship.
Any collaborative effort between human beings whether with in pairs,
small groups or on a societal level rely on the ability to share thoughts,
ideas and information among the people involved. Communication not only allows us to know what
the other people we are involved with are thinking, but it also sets the tone
for our relationship with them. Open,
honest, respectful communication creates relationships that are based on trust
and show that we value each person's contribution to our efforts.
Communication isn't always
easy. There are barriers to
communication in all types of relationships.
These barriers may exist for a wide variety of reasons ranging from
personal, emotional issues to wider systematic ones. Communication also breaks down because of the
reality that true communication involves not only sharing our thoughts, but
also listening and receiving others ideas.
Another challenge in communication is that we all filter information
that we receive through our own set of beliefs, language and other
criteria. What we think someone says to
us may not be what they really meant and vice versa.
Communication isn't just
about getting information to others, but it is also about creating the
environment where we can have discussions and dialog around difficult
issues. Any relationship of substance
will have disagreements arise around important topics. The disagreements may be minor and involve
slight modifications in positions in order to resolve, or they may be major and
virtually impossible to solve in a way that satisfies all involved
parties. Whatever the level of
challenge, communication provides us with the only opportunity to resolve our
differences and still maintain a healthy relationship.
As the school year starts
here in Madison
we find communication to be a topic of great interest and of significant
concern to all of us. How do we set the
tone for the school year and establish open lines of communication between
home, school, other staff members, administration, the community? The communication between individuals and
groups in the school settings we work in are vital to the ultimate success of
our students. Communication establishes
the climate that our students and educators work in. Ultimately it will be the difference in
students achieving, or in failing.
Of course, schools aren't
the only place where communication matters.
As is often the case, schools are a mirror that reflects society as a
whole. We are seeing breakdowns in
communication on a societal level that have the potential to weaken the
foundations of our nation. The misinformation,
miscommunication, and general lack of widespread communication that are
becoming a common feature of our society mean that most people don't hear or
experience different perspectives in any meaningful way. Dialog becomes one sided and/or based on a
single perspective. The important
question becomes, how do we break down barriers to communication and reach out
so that we aren't always "speaking to the choir"?
This is a question without
an easy answer. The conflicts that exist
in our nation socially, politically and economically are very real, and very
intense. As they intensify, people
become more angry, afraid and isolated in their thinking. Instead of having forums where many different
views are expressed we see our communication become segregated. You see people divided by what news channels
they watch, what special interest group they belong to and what demographic
groups they are members of. Unless we
find ways to bridge the gaps we will find ourselves a divided and antagonistic
Here are a few examples of
the ways that communication, miscommunication and/or lack of communication impact
our society. . .
Mislead to manipulate public opinion- The Walker administration has been very outspoken
in their objections to the implementation of health care reforms. Many people are confused about the changes in
the way we will obtain health insurance.
The Walker
administration has preyed on the confusion to instill fear in the population
that will generate support for the administration's anti-reform actions.
Supporters of voter ID
laws use the same tactics to validate the need to for electoral reform.
Because of the violent
incidents in schools in recent years, there have been calls to arm educators
and to put armed guards in schools.
Here's a good reason why this shouldn't happen.
It can fan the flames of
war and lead us to commit our military in places around the world for
questionable reasons.
Deflect blame- Instead of admitting any shared responsibility for the challenges we
face, it is common for leaders to try and shift blame to other groups or
Restrict access to information- By controlling who receives and shares information
we get a distorted view of events, individuals and policies.
An informed public can have an impact- If information is available to the citizenry then
they can express their opinions and keep their elected officials more
accountable. Unfortunately, sometimes it
only results in an admission of guilt and little substantive change ($720
returned from the $11,000+ given to Erwin).
It is up to all of us to continue to stay informed and act on our
information to keep the pressure on our leaders.
Money impacts communication- In modern society, wealth plays a huge role in the
communication of information. In order
to be a widespread resource for information and ideas, financial resources are
vital. This becomes clear in areas like
electoral politics where valid candidates are excluded for monetary
Communication of values is especially challenging- This was made clear in recent days as the conflict
over the Solidarity Sing Along escalated.
The Department of Administration tried to paint the issue in concrete
logistical terms and avoid any appearance that they were promoting or vilifying
any ideology. Participants in the Sing
continued to express the idea that they were promoting the Constitutional
rights of citizens to express themselves.
Many Wisconsinites were confused by the contrasting views of events
portrayed in the media.
This confusion expresses
itself in many ways. One of the ways
that it is demonstrated is in the efforts by opponents of the Sing to try and
force the Sing out of the rotunda.
Multiple conservative "groups" applied for permits, including
a group that "occupied" the capitol for 7 hours on Labor Day. These groups are missing the point of the
Sing as I see it. The Sing has never
been about taking something away from anyone, it's about adding voice to the
debate. The participants in the Sing
have always surrendered the rotunda to any groups with a permit and moved
By trying to
"claim" the rotunda these conservative groups demonstrate their lack
of understanding of what the struggle is about.
They show the bitterness and divisiveness that exists in our state in a
very real way. It would be safe to say
that if there wasn't a Solidarity Sing, few (none) of these groups would want
to sing in the capitol. They are simply
trying to restrict and control access to our public spaces, something that is
exact opposition to the message that the Solidarity Sing Along is trying to
There are fundamental
differences in our society around the term "Labor". For some, it simply means being
employed. You are either a
"worker" or you are "a job creator/employer". Each group has its role in society and has a
different value to society. Current GOP
leadership in Wisconsin
sees Labor as being of lesser value than Job Creators. They may try to disguise their thinking
through rhetoric that suggests they support the "Common Citizen" or
"Taxpayer". They will use any
available platform to try and show their support for workers in our state.
However, the current
Wisconsin Republican hierarchy of an individual's worth to society is evident in their policies when one
carefully examines them. Labor isn't
something of real value, it is simply another resource to be used by those who
are truly valuable and productive.
Those of us who make up
the category of Labor are continuing the fight to make sure our contributions
to society are emphasized and valued. It
is important that we work together and collectively advance the interests of
the workers in our state, and across the nation.
One of the most important
aspects of the relationship between labor and management is the way that
workplace rules and compensation are established. A contract that is negotiated between equals
demonstrates the shared interests and respect between the two parties. A handbook, or other mandated guidelines, no
matter how "friendly in tone" represent an unequal relationship. They are inherently unstable and create an
atmosphere where workers are always vulnerable to changes and have few options
for recourse if unfair or flawed policies are enacted.
For decades, educators in Wisconsin worked with
administrators and school boards to establish the rules for school
workplaces. With Act 10 that has changed
drastically. This legislation was
enacted, not to improve education or to promote student success, but rather for
political and economic gains for a small number of people. Educators operating without contractual
protections found themselves less able to speak out against "reforms"
that are not always enacted with the best interest of students or families in
Here in Madison we have been able to keep our
contract active (although with some significant changes) through strong
membership, a supportive community and a school board/administration that has
seen the value of maintaining the contractual relationship with staff. This hasn't been easy, and the climate in our
schools is not what it was prior to Act 10.
However, the contractual protections offered through our negotiated
agreements has given Madison
educators an opportunity to voice their opinions and act to promote the
interests of their students.
For those who argue that a
union acts only to benefit their membership, even at the expense of our
students, I offer this reminder of what a union can do. A couple of years ago MMSD administration
tried to change elementary educators planning times so that we would have the
half-hour before school as planning time.
This meant that we would begin our contractual day 30 minutes prior to
school starting and end our day 15 minutes after dismissal. MTI members rose en masse against this plan
because it would weaken our ability to communicate with families and present a
danger to students. We often have to
help students at the end of the day and busses are late, etc. Because of the strong reaction and several
hundred MTI members attending a school board meeting, the policy was never
enacted. I was reminded of this action
by the union to protect our students on the first three days of school when we
waited well over 15 minutes for busses to arrive after school. If we hadn't had a contract at the time it is
questionable whether so many educators would have been comfortable speaking out
against a flawed policy.
MTI's current contract
with MMSD expires in June, 2014. Members
have been nervously awaiting news as to whether we will be negotiating a new
contract before the Wisconsin Supreme Court takes (and votes 4-3 against MTI in
all likelihood) the suit that MTI brought against the constitutionality of Act
We got great news on
Diversity- We've come a long way in our society in terms of race relations and
desegregation. However, we have a long
way to go, and we are always in danger of slipping back to a time of
segregation and division that we never want to repeat.
Our schools, just like our
society, are constantly struggling to provide the most opportunity for all in
the most inclusive environment possible.
The "American Dream" is built on the idea that we are all equal
and that anyone has the opportunity to succeed.
However, we know that this isn't, and hasn't, been true for all
groups. As a nation we have often failed
to recognize and respect diversity in our citizens.
The previous article has
been hailed as an example of how charter schools are exclusionary and
bigoted. It is true that many charter
schools enact policies that exclude students for a variety of reasons and that
public schools operate with different expectations. However, instead of focusing on the
shortcomings of charter schools, we can also use this article as a reminder
that those of us in the public schools recognize that we may create a similar
atmosphere in our classrooms and schools.
We need to find ways to maintain positive learning environments, prepare
our students for success in the future, and still create a school climate that
values all students.
Testing and Common Core- The controversies over Common Core continue to
magnify. I continue to be offended by
the way that the implementation of the Common Core is presented to
families. Most of the information from
school districts is focusing on how the Common Core will increase the
"rigor" in our schools. Yet, I
don't believe that students in my classroom will be experiencing a sudden
increase in the level of material, or in the academic challenges I pose this
year. Can I improve my practice? Of
course I can, and I make every effort to do so every moment of every day. Will Common Core and the new curricular
materials I have available suddenly make me a better educator? I don't believe so.
Instead of improving my
practice, the Common Core "reforms" will serve to decrease the funds
that are available for me to be innovative and to provide the highest quality
materials to my students.
It will pad the pockets of
a small number of "Educational Investors".
It will mean more testing
for my students. We will spend the
greater part of September gathering data that I will use during the few moments
of teaching that I have before we test in October and November.
Charter and Voucher Schools- All of these reforms will provide ammunition for
those who want to increase the "choices" available for families. They will point to the test scores and the
increased standardization of curriculum as a reason to support the innovative
methods and "successes" of the private school system. A private school system that is increasingly
using public money and that hasn't proven to be any more successful than the
public schools (and often less successful).
Is all this a reason to
abandon hope? NO! Instead these challenges provide us with even
more motivation to share information, promote our schools and work to defend
public education.
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